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  1. Brandon Price
    April 26, 2016 @ 7:24 pm

    A great article, and the photos are beautiful!


  2. Amer Kapetanović
    April 26, 2016 @ 11:52 pm

    Nice article and I do agree with most of it. Thank you for writing and sharing. However, I’d like to add one more perspective here: My X-T1 failed in January. Got it back from repair by March 13. 350 USD for repairing lcd display flat cable (mainboard as well) and 6 weeks turnaround. When I got it back, the same day my 90mm f2.0 failed. Aperture was stuck somewhere at 5.6 and not moving at all. Last week X-T1 just died in the middle of the shoot (it seems like the shutter died, it is stuck while covering the sensor). 90mm has not yet arrived and I am sending X-T1 to the service again. Please do not get me wrong here – I absolutely LOVE working with X-T1, especially X-lenses (I own 23 1.4, 27 2.8, 56 1.2 & 90 f2.0) but, honestly, it proved to be unreliable and the service turnaround time is just ridiculous. For a professional photographer camera and lenses reliability and having short service turnaround time as short as possible is imperative.
    I also shot weddings using X-T1 & X100 combo but my recent X-T1 failures make me reluctant to do so ever again. I like Fuji images far more than Nikon/Canon but there is much more to pro photography than that.


    • Bradley Hanson
      April 27, 2016 @ 12:17 am

      Sorry to hear. I have had a very different experience with my X-Pro1 bodies. I do agree that Fujifilm needs an FPS service like Nikon and Canon, but I think that is in the works.


  3. Mark
    August 31, 2016 @ 6:42 pm

    It’s hard to tell what blog posts are paid for Fuji and which are genuinely the result of user experience. So to confirm, are you receiving anything from Fuji? You mention that you have been shooting Fuji since 2012 and it’s now 2016 so I wonder why you are posting this now….four years later?

    I have been using Nikon since the late 90s. I have had several Nikon DSLR bodies as well as an Olympus 4:3 camera and a variety of point and shoots from Sony to Canon. I bought into the Fuji Koolaid last year after reading “blogs” around the internet that convinced me I should try out an X100T. It sounded perfect! A small bodied camera with a fixed lens. Perfect. It was the biggest mistake I ever made and I sold the camera on Craigslist last week. I picked up my old D90 (it was the last Nikon I had after selling all my gear like a lot of people) and I was blown away that it actually has more pleasing images than the X100T. No, it does not have the same High ISO performance however it also has controls in the right places, a menu that isn’t fidgety, a battery that lasts days (not hours like the X100T) and it also has a very good factory RAW program (unlike Fuji with their idiotic Silkypix derived “RAW EX Converter).

    I’m not trying to rant, but I just find Fujis approach at promotion disingenuous.


  4. zsa63
    August 20, 2024 @ 8:52 am

    Awesome pictures!


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