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  1. Jeff
    June 3, 2016 @ 5:18 pm

    Hi, interesting article!
    I’ve been waiting for the 23mm f/2. I already have the 35mm f/1.4 which is my favorite lens also.
    But since reading your article, I’m now second guessing my needs. It’s true that the 23mm is often not wide enough and it’s somewhat close the the 35mm. I also like the “effect” the 16mm gives.
    If they could make a cheaper one at f/2 I’d probably jump on it. And being cheaper, I could probably get the 23mm F/2 as well 😉
    So I’m not sure if I should thank you or not for making my decision more difficult 😉 LOL


  2. pszilard
    July 12, 2016 @ 11:16 am

    Interesting article. However I simply HATE the clutch focus thing. I have that on my 23mm f/1.4 and would not buy another lens with this design, but that’s just me. I do, however have the 16-55mm f/2.8 which obviously provides the same angle of view as the 16mm albeit 2 stops slower. I don’t mind that as with wide angle lenses I like deep DOF. I wonder if you had tried the zoom yourself, and how you would compare them?


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