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  1. Matthew McCord
    June 9, 2016 @ 4:51 am

    Great read, man. Do you find yourself shooting JPEG or raw nor with your Pro 2? I noticed you said you edit in LR. Just curious. I’m finding the jpegs to be so good there’s rarely a need for me to edit Raws. Then again, I don’t want my work to look like everyone else’s. Cheers


    • Chung Siu Sun
      June 10, 2016 @ 3:10 am

      @disqus_EGQuQaRSnn:disqus I’ve got X-Pro2 for couple of weeks, too. LR could edit RAF/Xpro-2 with the latest CameraRAW-plugin update. LR is a tool, like those days in Darkroom, and it is neutral, unless you have poor technique to spoiled a film or projected image on the paper, or on the other side, fair creativity to enhance the finishing. On top of this, applying Darkroom-techniques or LR-gadgets in the post-processing of photography doesn’t mean yielding to look like every other’s.

      Interestingly, JPEGs directly rendered from Fuji-X-processor are so pretty, somehow too convenient to make it unique from other X-Pro-2 images as you are getting similar JPEG rendering with those kiddo film simulation presets. Enjoy the captures.


      • Matthew McCord
        June 10, 2016 @ 3:18 am

        Thanks for your reply, man. I agree. Happy shooting!


    • jorgefmarques
      June 14, 2016 @ 4:51 pm

      Hi, Matthew. Sorry for the late reply, but I’m glad you liked the article. The jpegs are wonderful, but I always use the raw files. It’s a habit from the dark room days, never let someone else decide the true form of the pictures. To be honest, I find the post-processing an integral part of photography. I couldn’t live without it. Cheers.


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