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  1. Willie
    April 11, 2020 @ 2:49 am

    Nice post. Reaffirms using full frame Canon gear with your having to qualify the performance of the Fuji.


  2. Dann Walker
    October 6, 2024 @ 3:14 am

    A fine choice of Fujinon lenses for your travel. Well thought out, and from your photos it seems your ‘glass’ serves your interests super well.

    My needs would be slightly different. I’m more a ‘minimalist’ and when I roam around in Asia as I’ve done since I retired in 2012, I want to go as light as I can.

    Carry on luggage only. Seven kilos (here I have to admit I cheat a little and I end up with 10-12 kilos, but my bag is still light, and Asian airlines are lenient to an old 70+ duffer who flies often with them anyway. So I get away with it.

    Two shirts, two pants, two T-shirts. Basic men’s cosmetics. A laptop. A few other bits. And that’s it.

    Now for cameras. I take two. My Xpro2 as a main ‘shooter’ and an XE2 as a backup. Both purchased new, well used, well looked after. A lot of mileage left in them, I hope!!

    Lenses. Only two. 18/2.0 is my main lens and practically lives on the Xpro2. My backup is the tried-and-true 18-55 zoom, usually on the XE2. In fact I could make do with the 10-24, the 56 is too long for me, I would feel like I’m hiding from people. Fine for landscapes but I usually avoid “pretty scenery” in favor of people images.

    If I had to add another lens it would be the 14/2.8, reason being that I own one. Also a 35/2.0 which I’ve used maybe five times in as many years. Ditto a 23/1.4, a beaut lens but a little too heavy to lug around. Needs must…

    I’m now in Indonesia. Next month I’ll go to Malaysia for five days (fly in to KL, Ipoh, Taiping, fly out of Penang) for a new Indo visa, then back to Surabaya. Never Bali, it’s gone… In November, home to Australia for a month. In December, back to Indonesia. In April or May ’25, two weeks in Taiwan. Back home again… well, some day.

    With so many journeys planned, a light weight kit is essential. My Fujis suit my needs to near perfection (bearing in mind that nothing is really perfect, but in the past I went around with Nikon D700s and D800s, those days are now long gone, light is the way!!).

    All this to say I greatly enjoyed your travel narrative and your images are super good. Give us more, please.

    Best from DANN, now in Surabaya


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