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  1. Ale
    February 21, 2023 @ 1:16 am

    Image quality of Fujifilm camera (and the look) is worse than a phone’s. I’ve been looking for a reason to keep my X-T3, but I can’t justify keeping it anymore. Yes, it’s a cool looking camera and yes the dials are nice, but the files lack that pop; it lacks that natural clarity that happens on the sensor. Pretty much every photo in this article, while the composition and exposure are good, they would probably look better if taken with some phones. And I can’t stand taking pictures with a phone. It’s a dumb concept. But when a camera with a large sensor takes worse quality photos than a phone, I wonder why I should spend thousands of dollars on that system.


    • Joaquin
      June 11, 2024 @ 4:53 pm

      You are out of your mind or just trolling. If the system isn’t for you just say that. Calling it worse than a phone camera is just nonsense though.


      • Ale
        June 11, 2024 @ 5:58 pm

        Fanboy’s feelings are hurt, so I must be a troll.


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