Tattoo – One unexpected world
Luciano is my name, I live in Italy, Rome where I was born in 1966. Civil Engineer and Geographer as graduate, and photographer since childhood because my father loved it too, then he was my first teacher. We also developed films and made prints in BW all ourselves (with a lot of failures, of course)…
These are the basics, the starts, but also the springs to new ideas, new subjects and aims (girls and friends love to have a shoot).
Like Cartier Bresson, the camera works as a notebook for me, so I shot almost at all, anytime, and any wheater. I really enjoyed it. But also in Covid times, this skill was useful because, with Still Life, I have coped long segregation or so.

RIGHT: Fuji X100V . f/7.1 . 1/60″ . ISO 640

RIGHT: Fuji X100V . f/7.1 . 1/60″ . ISO 1250
I took many photos for my job to demonstrate the progress of some building works and as much more during journeys in Italy or some travelling abroad. Then just a mix between one hobby and one ancillary job.
I like the Lines & Lights and how they play together and with the shapes, so: mainly buildings, but landscapes, still life, people… I would shoot everything that hit my gaze and intrigued me. This is who I am.

RIGHT: Fuji X100V . f/7.1 . 1/60″ . ISO 1600

I got some digital and analogue cameras and suited lenses in use now: Nikon D750 whit many lenses; two Sony like the sturdy A6300 and a small RX100IV; and the Fuji X100V is the last purchase. Other analogue cameras as father’s heritage and one Nikon D90 whit the same lenses as the D750, all work of course. In my heart, one old Toyo 8×10 inc bought as a second-hand (but maybe third) that I resold some years ago because I hadn’t used enough to pay itself.
Mainly because I don’t like wearing glasses for streets or travel, I prefer cameras with a good viewfinder like the Fuji series X10, X20, and X30 “ancestors” of the X100V.

RIGHT: Fuji X100V . f/7.1 . 1/20″ . ISO 1600
The V release is: water resistant (at last!), with enough tilting screen and has by far the best software in-camera. It “suggests” trying new roads or (more simply) in-camera photo effects. Weight ad handling are suited for my hand too, but with the lens hood up and the grip, it improves much more. It needs care when in use because it easily scratches (note I didn’t set up any bag and strap, and my camera is with the silver finishing).

RIGHT: Fuji X100V . f/7.1 . 1/45″ . ISO 1600

RIGHT: Fuji X100V . f/7.1 . 1/30″ . ISO 1600
Urban Tattoo Expo, Rome September 2022
In Italy, only since 2022 Spring, we have seen a restart of all happenings in its full, exhibits etc etc, so this Expo had been the first in years. It was located in Rome this time and so was easy to visit for me.
The site: a large bus garage for of local transport firm with dozens of mini labs and shops all about the tattoo world.
Then 50% intrigued about the theme, and 50% about meeting “unconventional” people, I went there: one first day exploring and one other shooting.

RIGHT: Fuji X100V . f/7.1 . 1/35″ . ISO 1600

Unexpected friendly, easy, people with some true Masters of Tattooing. Many absolute masterpieces on the skin (I saw them everywhere). Many of them enjoying showing themselves also for photo shoots. All people are presented there as a group of friends with their children too, old tattooed couples, teens, gorgeous mannequins showing tattoos or all body paints…
I am a little shy, so it is uncomfortable for me to engage in any interview, but as I said: here many people like to tell you about the tattoos.

RIGHT: Fuji X100V . f/7.1 . 1/60″ . ISO 800
Locals and foreign artists (let me call them as Artists, please) Westerns and Asians as much as from Italy.
Honestly, I didn’t ask myself why so many people cover themselves with paint; I like it, and it is all, so I didn’t ask about it. Sometimes I asked myself about someone really having all their body painted or tattooed, but nothing more. Most are so happy to have them…
Tattooing could have long work days, too, so you have to be laying in some comfortable way. Pillows help, music or videos, a good friend around to talk with, drinks & snacks easy to take around along your stay. You have all the care of one small world around you, you are the core of it, it is not important if you are in a large garage or a single shop in Tokyo.

RIGHT: Fuji X100V . f/7.1 . 1/60″ . ISO 1000

RIGHT: Fuji X100V . f/7.1 . 1/60″ . ISO 1000

How I shot
The X100V was in auto ISO and Aperture priority exposure mode, often with low drive, fine Jpeg for this camera is enough because of the excellent software, as I said, standard as colours set, auto white balance because too many kinds of light sources; I didn’t use flash any time for my choice; the tilt screen was really useful, with these settings, the battery lasted at about 350 shots. In some shots, I made them with the Pop filter that supersaturates colours. The models said “wow”!

RIGHT: Fuji X100V . f/7.1 . 1/50″ . ISO 1600

RIGHT: Fuji X100V . f/7.1 . 1/15″ . ISO 1600

RIGHT: Fuji X100V . f/7.1 . 1/13″ . ISO 1600

RIGHT: Fuji X100V . f/7.1 . 1/25″ . ISO 1600

RIGHT: Fuji X100V . f/7.1 . 1/18″ . ISO 1600

“Luciano is my name, I live in Italy, Rome where I born in 1966. Civil Engineer and Geographer as graduate, and photographer since childhood because my father loved it too, then he was my first teacher.”