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  1. Albert Smith
    April 29, 2024 @ 2:25 pm

    The only reason that I don’t have the X-T1 is that it lacks one feature that is essential to me, the stepless built-in dioptor adjustment. I bought the original X-100 which predates the X-T1, and even that model had the dioptor adjustment, so that feature being left off the more advanced “Pro” body makes no sense.

    Yes I know, you can buy screw-in lenses (if you can locate a source), but my eyes are not a constant with a single factor that is always the same. I fine tune the clarity of my finder as my eye tires during a long day of shooting so a single lens screwed into the eyepiece won’t cut it.

    Your article speaks to me, but I went with the X-Pro 2 which gives all the same advantages but with my ability to see the finder by spinning the little wheel next to the eyepiece.


    • Eddy
      April 29, 2024 @ 2:36 pm

      Hi Albert, I feel you. The diopter is indeed a loss. For now my eyes are still good enough. But for the future I hope Fujifilm will come up with a camera like the X-E4, but without all the “gadgets”, but with a build in diopter adjustment. 😉


      • Angus Irving
        June 11, 2024 @ 4:10 pm

        Great article! Love the pen f shots. The tight grain in those is gorgeous.


  2. Albert Smith
    April 29, 2024 @ 2:28 pm

    Correctuon… I used the words X-T1 instead of X-Pro1 in my post above…

    I need to proofread better, sorry


  3. Mark Holmes
    May 5, 2024 @ 4:57 pm

    I love these X-Pro1 pieces. My X-Pro1 is one of my treasured possessions. The photos in this piece are exceptional – and all in black and white – thank you for this.
    Increasingly, seeing images of people sucked into their mobile phones is disturbing. The one pic of the girl staring at her tiny screen… oblivious to the world around her… I just hope the world wakes up from this phase we’re going through. That’s one of the things I love about the X-Pro1 – it came out right as the world was getting swallowed up by too much technology, when technology served us rather than the other way around.


  4. Victor Thai
    July 13, 2024 @ 5:10 pm

    Love these images. Im an Xpro2 user. Do you have a specific recipe for these bautiful black and whites you take?


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