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Travel Blogging with Fujifilm

Travel Blogging with Fujifilm

Natasha LequepeysMay 22, 20190

Photography is still a relatively new passion in my life. In fact, 5 years ago I didn’t even own a camera. I loved to travel but my photography was limited to iPhone selfies in front of monuments. It wasn’t until the Spring of 2015, when I had a chance to…

The Untold Stories

The Untold Stories

David VerbercktMay 17, 20190

Thank you David for accepting this invitation for an interview. Could you please start by introducing yourself to our readers? I am from Belgium where I studied photography in the beginning of the nineties. Since 1993 I have lived abroad and I am presently based in Budapest. Although dedicating all…

Keeping the Family Tradition

Keeping the Family Tradition

Philippe PoitevinMay 10, 20190

My name is Philippe Poitevin, I am living in Paris but I am originally from Corsica. I worked for a long time as a TV set decorator. I am now a professional freelance photographer, even if my approach and my work are essentially artistic. I’m self-educated in Photography.

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GRAIN is a quarterly photography digital magazine, for contemporary photographers with analog souls.